My mom and I usually talk everyday until my cell phone was cut off. But, given the choice between a cell phone and the internet I choose the internet. I can't be without the internet and if my electric got cut off I would probably rig up a solar panel just so I could stay connected to it.
Anyway, my mom wanted to continue talking to me every day so on my birthday she bought me a magic jack. It hooks straight into my computer by way of USB port. I will say that the magic jack is kind of hard for me to answer at times especially if I am surfing the web. I can always call the person back. In fact if I am surfing I just let my voice mail answer it. My computer has a lot of bugs on it and I know it has an effect on my ability to answer calls.I just close the internet or any open programs when I am ready to talk I can even listen to my voice mail on the computer because I get sent an email from magic jack when someone leaves a message with the mp3 file attached in the email. Everybody that I talk to regularly knows about my bugs on the computer gives me a few minutes to call back before trying again.
I hope if you will give magic jack a try it is good if you need another line and the very best thing about magic jack is the price! @ $20.00 a year who can beat it? Nobody that's who. Get yours today I am very glad I have mine and so is my mom :P
I know people who have them on their wireless computers as well so everywhere they go they have their magic jack with them. You can use a head set with them as well. Thank you for reading this.

Nice story as for me. It would be great to read something more concerning this topic. The only thing this blog misses is a few pics of some devices.
David Kripke
Cell phone jammers
Thanks for the comment. All you have to do is click the link and you will see pictures of the device.
Impressive Story.Jack Thanks For This Great Story.
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